Order of training according to Government Regulation
NV 194/2022 formerly Decree 50/1978 Coll.
do 1.000 V střídavých a 1.500 V stejnosměrných, nevýbušné prostředí:
V případě nestandartního zobrazení formuláře napište Vaši objednávku na e-mail info@reskel.cz. do e-mailu napište:
- Jméno a příjmení školené osoby:
- Bydliště nebo název firmy:
- Telefonní číslo:
- Datum a místo školení:
- Právnická nebo podnikající fyzická osoba, která zkoušenou osobu ke zkoušce odborné
způsobilosti vyslala: nové dle NV 194/2022 Sb. - IČO: nové dle NV 194/2022 Sb.
- Odpovědná osoba: nové dle NV 194/2022 Sb.
- Fakturační údaje.
Než začnete objednávat, chceme Vám připomenout že platí nové nařízení vlády NV 194/2022, nejprve prostudujte ať máte představu jak se změnilo školení na elektrické zařízení a jaké NOVÉ dokumenty potřebujete ke školení.
Documents you need for the training:
1) ID.
2) Completed full application form and signed (in blue pencil) by the person responsible for the company Attachment 1 - Application Form. we will deliver after registration for the training
3) Professional or vocational qualification (education):
a) Original and a plain copy of the evidence of electrical engineering education (depending on the type of education: teaching certificate, school-leaving certificate, university diploma). In the case of electrotechnical education obtained outside the Czech Republic, it is necessary to document the RECOGNITION of foreign education in the Czech Republic (NOSTRIFICATION) OR
b) Original and a plain copy of documents of professional qualifications obtained in the National Qualifications System
c) Employees of scientific, research and development institutes with higher education who have passed an examination in electrical engineering, electronics or physics as part of their teaching and teachers who use live electrical equipment in schools shall provide the original and a plain copy of the university documents
(4) Length of experience, as evidenced by the employer's certificate or by an affidavit of the examinee, of at least the length specified for the level of competence Annex 1 - Application form.
5) Supporting documents for training in local safety regulations: without these documents the training cannot be completed
a) Extract of the documentation of OSH - Working and technological procedures, Operating and technological instructions, Sources and causes of risks related to the activities on electrical equipment of the relevant voltage type to be performed or managed by the person, if applicable, can be substituted
b) Certificate of completion of training in the scope according to Article 9(6) of Government Regulation No.194/2022 Coll., on requirements for professional competence to perform activities on electrical equipment and for professional competence in electrical engineering Annex 2 - Certificate of completion......
6) If the complete documents according to points 1 to 3 are not delivered, the amount of CZK 200,- will be charged on the day of training for the ADDITIONAL SENDING OF THE CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING GRADUATION.
7) Valid for legal and natural (self-employed) business person.
8) If the documents under point 5 are not provided, the training cannot be completed.
9) The training is from 3 registered persons.
Cost of training and testing:
- § 6 Electrician – Decree No. 194/2022 Coll.: Training and Examination: CZK 4,100 per person
. - § 7 Senior Electrician – Decree No. 194/2022 Coll.: Training and Examination: CZK 4,100 per person.