Order of training according to Government Regulation
NV 194/2022 formerly Decree 50/1978 Coll.


do 1.000 V střídavých a 1.500 V stejnosměrných, nevýbušné prostředí:

V případě nestandartního zobrazení formuláře napište Vaši objednávku na e-mail info@reskel.cz. do e-mailu napište:

  • Jméno a příjmení školené osoby:
  • Bydliště nebo název firmy:
  • Telefonní číslo:
  • Požadovaný školení OSOBA POUČENÁ
  • Datum a místo školení:
  • Právnická nebo podnikající fyzická osoba, která zkoušenou osobu ke zkoušce odborné
    způsobilosti vyslala: nové dle NV 194/2022 Sb.
  • IČO: nové dle NV 194/2022 Sb.
  • Odpovědná osoba: nové dle NV 194/2022 Sb.
  • Fakturační údaje.



Než začnete objednávat, chceme Vám připomenout že platí nové nařízení vlády NV 194/2022, nejprve prostudujte ať máte představu jak se změnilo školení na elektrické zařízení a jaké NOVÉ dokumenty potřebujete ke školení.


- Training according to GOVERNMENT REGULATION NV 194/2022 Coll. § 4 Person instructed

- The training outline and necessary documents can be found at here

- The full Government Regulation 194/2022 can be found here.

  § 4 Trained person - extract from the government regulation who is the trained person and who sets the training outline.

(1) A trained person is a professionally qualified person according to § 19 of the Act, who, within the scope of his activity, has been trained in legal and other regulations to ensure safety and health protection at work for work on and near electrical equipment, and has also been trained in the area of possible sources and causes of risks on and in the vicinity of electrical equipment, warned of possible threats from electrical equipment, familiarized with the procedures for providing first aid in the event of electric shocks and having this knowledge verified, a knowledgeable person is also considered to be an educated person, whose examination according to of this regulation has ceased to be valid, while this person can, after successfully passing the examination on the competence to perform activities in electrical engineering, regain the professional competence degree of a knowledgeable person.

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(2) The content and time range of instruction according to paragraph 1 are determined by a legal entity or a natural person in business who operates electrical equipment or performs activities on electrical equipment pursuant to Section 3, paragraph 1, taking into account the nature and scope of the activity on electrical equipment that they have persons instructed to perform.
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Cost of training and testing:

  • § 4 Trained person - training and assessment - training cost 2,900 CZK per person (Training is conducted according to the documentation provided by the company requesting the training, and after the training, we carry out an assessment.)
  • § 4 Trained person - advanced training and assessment - training cost 3,400 CZK per person. (Training is conducted according to the documentation provided by the company requesting the training, and after the training, we carry out an assessment.)